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Console Output

Started by user Philippe DUL
Running as Philippe DUL
Running in Durability level: PERFORMANCE_OPTIMIZED
[Pipeline] Start of Pipeline
[Pipeline] podTemplate
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] node
Still waiting to schedule task
All nodes of label ‘capella-agent-pod-um2’ are offline
Created Pod: capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-jmp4p-vdxzr
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-jmp4p-vdxzr][Scheduled] Successfully assigned capella-agent-pod-um2-jmp4p-vdxzr to
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-jmp4p-vdxzr][SuccessfulMountVolume] MountVolume.SetUp succeeded for volume "workspace-volume" 
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-jmp4p-vdxzr][SuccessfulMountVolume] MountVolume.SetUp succeeded for volume "default-token-6q2jx" 
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-jmp4p-vdxzr][Pulled] Container image "node:12.16.1" already present on machine
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-jmp4p-vdxzr][Created] Created container
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-jmp4p-vdxzr][Started] Started container
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-jmp4p-vdxzr][Pulled] Container image "" already present on machine
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-jmp4p-vdxzr][Created] Created container
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-jmp4p-vdxzr][Started] Started container
Agent capella-agent-pod-um2-jmp4p-vdxzr is provisioned from template capella-agent-pod-um2-jmp4p
apiVersion: "v1"
kind: "Pod"
    buildUrl: "http://jenkins-ui.capella.svc.cluster.local/capella/job/capella-issues/104/"
    runUrl: "job/capella-issues/104/"
    jenkins: "slave"
    jenkins/label: "capella-agent-pod-um2"
  name: "capella-agent-pod-um2-jmp4p-vdxzr"
  - image: "node:12.16.1"
    name: "node"
    tty: true
    - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent"
      name: "workspace-volume"
      readOnly: false
  - env:
    - name: "JENKINS_SECRET"
      value: "********"
    - name: "JENKINS_TUNNEL"
      value: "jenkins-discovery.capella.svc.cluster.local:50000"
    - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_NAME"
      value: "capella-agent-pod-um2-jmp4p-vdxzr"
    - name: "JENKINS_NAME"
      value: "capella-agent-pod-um2-jmp4p-vdxzr"
      value: "/home/jenkins/agent"
    - name: "JENKINS_URL"
      value: "http://jenkins-ui.capella.svc.cluster.local/capella/"
    image: ""
    name: "jnlp"
        cpu: "100m"
        memory: "256Mi"
    - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent"
      name: "workspace-volume"
      readOnly: false
  nodeSelector: "linux"
  restartPolicy: "Never"
  securityContext: {}
  - emptyDir:
      medium: ""
    name: "workspace-volume"

Running on capella-agent-pod-um2-jmp4p-vdxzr in /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/capella-issues
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Generate Documentation)
[Pipeline] withEnv
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] container
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
+ npm version
  npm: '6.13.4',
  ares: '1.15.0',
  brotli: '1.0.7',
  cldr: '35.1',
  http_parser: '2.9.3',
  icu: '64.2',
  llhttp: '2.0.4',
  modules: '72',
  napi: '5',
  nghttp2: '1.40.0',
  node: '12.16.1',
  openssl: '1.1.1d',
  tz: '2019c',
  unicode: '12.1',
  uv: '1.34.0',
  v8: '',
  zlib: '1.2.11'
[Pipeline] sh
+ git clone -b master bugs
Cloning into 'bugs'...
[Pipeline] sh
+ git clone -b master import
Cloning into 'import'...
[Pipeline] sh
+ mv bugs/bugs-polarsys.json import/
[Pipeline] withCredentials
Masking supported pattern matches of $TOKEN
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
+ cd import
+ echo 
+ echo {
+ echo "user":"eclipse-capella-bot",
+ echo "password":"****",
+ echo "userCommiter":"eclipse-capella-bot",
+ echo "passwordCommiter":"****",
+ echo "repository":"eclipse/capella",
+ echo "bugsFile":"bugs-polarsys.json",
+ echo "count":100,
+ echo "includedProducts": [ "Capella" ],
+ echo "includedComponents": [ "Capella Gitadapter", "Core", "Detachment", "Diagram", "Diff-Merge", "Documentation", "Forum", "General", "Library", "ModelValidation", "Patterns", "Properties", "Rec-Rpl", "Releng", "Test framework", "Transition", "UI", "Website" ]
+ echo }
+ node index
All components
  'Capella Gitadapter', 'Capella Studio',
  'Core',               'Cybersecurity',
  'Detachment',         'Diagram',
  'Diff-Merge',         'Documentation',
  'Filtering',          'Forum',
  'GenDoc HTML',        'General',
  'Groovy',             'Library',
  'Mass VP',            'ModelValidation',
  'Modes/States VP',    'Patterns',
  'Perfo VP',           'Price VP',
  'Properties',         'Rec-Rpl',
  'Releng',             'RequirementsVP',
  'System2Subsystem',   'Test framework',
  'Textual editor',     'Transition',
  'UI',                 'Website',
  'XML Pivot'
Count of issues to import :
Keeped products
[ 'Capella' ]
Keeped components
  'Capella Gitadapter', 'Core',
  'Detachment',         'Diagram',
  'Diff-Merge',         'Documentation',
  'Forum',              'General',
  'Library',            'ModelValidation',
  'Patterns',           'Properties',
  'Rec-Rpl',            'Releng',
  'Test framework',     'Transition',
  'UI',                 'Website'
  '0.8.0', '0.8.1', '0.8.2', '0.8.3',
  '0.8.4', '0.8.5', '0.8.6', '0.8.7',
  '1.0.0', '1.0.1', '1.0.2', '1.0.3',
  '1.0.4', '1.0.5', '1.1.0', '1.1.1',
  '1.1.2', '1.1.3', '1.1.4', '1.2.0',
  '1.2.1', '1.2.2', '1.2.3', '1.3.0',
  '1.3.1', '1.3.2', '1.3.3', '1.4.0',
  '1.4.1', '1.4.2', '5.0.0', '5.1.0'
Next bugzilla id is :
Expected imported issues from config :
Next bugzilla to import are :
  555506, 555507, 555508, 555509, 555510, 555511, 555512,
  555513, 555514, 555515, 555516, 555517, 555518, 555519,
  555520, 555521, 555522, 555523, 555524, 555525, 555526,
  555527, 555528, 555529, 555530, 555531, 555532, 555533,
  555534, 555535, 555536, 555537, 555538, 555539, 555540,
  555541, 555542, 555543, 555544, 555545, 555546, 555547,
  555548, 555549, 555550, 555551, 555552, 555553, 555554,
  555555, 555556, 555557, 555558, 555559, 555560, 555561,
  555562, 555563, 555564, 555565, 555566, 555567, 555568,
  555569, 555570, 555571, 555572, 555573, 555574, 555575,
  555576, 555577, 555578, 555579, 555580, 555581, 555582,
  555583, 555584, 555585, 555586, 555587, 555588, 555589,
  555590, 555591, 555592, 555593, 555594, 555595, 555596,
  555597, 555598, 555599, 555600, 555601, 555602, 555603,
  555604, 555605
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 555512
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 555520
Milestones existing:
  '1.0.5', '1.2.3', '5.0.0', '5.1.0',
  '0.8.0', '0.8.1', '0.8.2', '0.8.3',
  '1.0.0', '0.8.4', '1.0.1', '0.8.5',
  '0.8.6', '1.0.2', '1.0.3', '1.1.0',
  '0.8.7', '1.0.4', '1.1.1', '1.1.2',
  '1.1.3', '1.2.0', '1.1.4', '1.2.1',
  '1.3.0', '1.2.2', '1.3.1', '1.4.0',
  '1.3.2', '1.4.1', '1.3.3', '1.4.2'
555506: createGithubIssue
555506: addGithubLabels
555506: addGithubMilestone
555506: postGithubComments
555506: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555506

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555507: createGithubIssue
555507: addGithubLabels
555507: addGithubMilestone
555507: postGithubComments
555507: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555507

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555508: createGithubIssue
555508: addGithubLabels
555508: addGithubMilestone
555508: postGithubComments
555508: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555508

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555509: createGithubIssue
555509: addGithubLabels
555509: addGithubMilestone
555509: postGithubComments
555509: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555509

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555510: createGithubIssue
555510: addGithubLabels
555510: addGithubMilestone
555510: postGithubComments
555510: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555510

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555511: createGithubIssue
555511: addGithubLabels
555511: addGithubMilestone
555511: postGithubComments
555511: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555511

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555512: createGithubIssue
555512: addGithubLabels
555512: addGithubMilestone
555512: postGithubComments
555512: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555512

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555513: createGithubIssue
555513: addGithubLabels
555513: addGithubMilestone
555513: postGithubComments
555513: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555513

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555514: createGithubIssue
555514: addGithubLabels
555514: addGithubMilestone
555514: postGithubComments
555514: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555514

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555515: createGithubIssue
555515: addGithubLabels
555515: addGithubMilestone
555515: postGithubComments
555515: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555515

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555516: createGithubIssue
555516: addGithubLabels
555516: addGithubMilestone
555516: postGithubComments
555516: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555516

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555517: createGithubIssue
555517: addGithubLabels
555517: addGithubMilestone
555517: postGithubComments
555517: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555517

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555518: createGithubIssue
555518: addGithubLabels
555518: addGithubMilestone
555518: postGithubComments
555518: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555518

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555519: createGithubIssue
555519: addGithubLabels
555519: addGithubMilestone
555519: postGithubComments
555519: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555519

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555520: createGithubIssue
555520: addGithubLabels
555520: addGithubMilestone
555520: postGithubComments
555520: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555520

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555521: createGithubIssue
555521: addGithubLabels
555521: addGithubMilestone
555521: postGithubComments
555521: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555521

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555522: createGithubIssue
555522: addGithubLabels
555522: addGithubMilestone
555522: postGithubComments
555522: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555522

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555523: createGithubIssue
555523: addGithubLabels
555523: addGithubMilestone
555523: postGithubComments
555523: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555523

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555524: createGithubIssue
555524: addGithubLabels
555524: addGithubMilestone
555524: postGithubComments
555524: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555524

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555525: createGithubIssue
555525: addGithubLabels
555525: addGithubMilestone
555525: postGithubComments
555525: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555525

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555526: createGithubIssue
555526: addGithubLabels
555526: addGithubMilestone
555526: postGithubComments
555526: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555526

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555527: createGithubIssue
555527: addGithubLabels
555527: addGithubMilestone
555527: postGithubComments
555527: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555527

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555528: createGithubIssue
555528: addGithubLabels
555528: addGithubMilestone
555528: postGithubComments
555528: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555528

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555529: createGithubIssue
555529: addGithubLabels
555529: addGithubMilestone
555529: postGithubComments
555529: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555529

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555530: createGithubIssue
555530: addGithubLabels
555530: addGithubMilestone
555530: postGithubComments
555530: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555530

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555531: createGithubIssue
555531: addGithubLabels
555531: addGithubMilestone
555531: postGithubComments
555531: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555531

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555532: createGithubIssue
555532: addGithubLabels
555532: addGithubMilestone
555532: postGithubComments
555532: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555532

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555533: createGithubIssue
555533: addGithubLabels
555533: addGithubMilestone
555533: postGithubComments
555533: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555533

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555534: createGithubIssue
555534: addGithubLabels
555534: addGithubMilestone
555534: postGithubComments
555534: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555534

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555535: createGithubIssue
555535: addGithubLabels
555535: addGithubMilestone
555535: postGithubComments
555535: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555535

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555536: createGithubIssue
555536: addGithubLabels
555536: addGithubMilestone
555536: postGithubComments
555536: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555536

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555537: createGithubIssue
555537: addGithubLabels
555537: addGithubMilestone
555537: postGithubComments
555537: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555537

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555538: createGithubIssue
555538: addGithubLabels
555538: addGithubMilestone
555538: postGithubComments
555538: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555538

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555539: createGithubIssue
555539: addGithubLabels
555539: addGithubMilestone
555539: postGithubComments
555539: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555539

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555540: createGithubIssue
555540: addGithubLabels
555540: addGithubMilestone
555540: postGithubComments
555540: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555540

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555541: createGithubIssue
555541: addGithubLabels
555541: addGithubMilestone
555541: postGithubComments
555541: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555541

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555542: createGithubIssue
555542: addGithubLabels
555542: addGithubMilestone
555542: postGithubComments
555542: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555542

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555543: createGithubIssue
555543: addGithubLabels
555543: addGithubMilestone
555543: postGithubComments
555543: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555543

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555544: createGithubIssue
555544: addGithubLabels
555544: addGithubMilestone
555544: postGithubComments
555544: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555544

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555545: createGithubIssue
555545: addGithubLabels
555545: addGithubMilestone
555545: postGithubComments
555545: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555545

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555546: createGithubIssue
555546: addGithubLabels
555546: addGithubMilestone
555546: postGithubComments
555546: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555546

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555547: createGithubIssue
555547: addGithubLabels
555547: addGithubMilestone
555547: postGithubComments
555547: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555547

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555548: createGithubIssue
555548: addGithubLabels
555548: addGithubMilestone
555548: postGithubComments
555548: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555548

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555549: createGithubIssue
555549: addGithubLabels
555549: addGithubMilestone
555549: postGithubComments
555549: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555549

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555550: createGithubIssue
555550: addGithubLabels
555550: addGithubMilestone
555550: postGithubComments
555550: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555550

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555551: createGithubIssue
555551: addGithubLabels
555551: addGithubMilestone
555551: postGithubComments
555551: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555551

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555552: createGithubIssue
555552: addGithubLabels
555552: addGithubMilestone
555552: postGithubComments
555552: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555552

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555553: createGithubIssue
555553: addGithubLabels
555553: addGithubMilestone
555553: postGithubComments
555553: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555553

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555554: createGithubIssue
555554: addGithubLabels
555554: addGithubMilestone
555554: postGithubComments
555554: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555554

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555555: createGithubIssue
555555: addGithubLabels
555555: addGithubMilestone
555555: postGithubComments
555555: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555555

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555556: createGithubIssue
555556: addGithubLabels
555556: addGithubMilestone
555556: postGithubComments
555556: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555556

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555557: createGithubIssue
555557: addGithubLabels
555557: addGithubMilestone
555557: postGithubComments
555557: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555557

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555558: createGithubIssue
555558: addGithubLabels
555558: addGithubMilestone
555558: postGithubComments
555558: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555558

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555559: createGithubIssue
555559: addGithubLabels
555559: addGithubMilestone
555559: postGithubComments
555559: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555559

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555560: createGithubIssue
555560: addGithubLabels
555560: addGithubMilestone
555560: postGithubComments
555560: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555560

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555561: createGithubIssue
555561: addGithubLabels
555561: addGithubMilestone
555561: postGithubComments
555561: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555561

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555562: createGithubIssue
555562: addGithubLabels
555562: addGithubMilestone
555562: postGithubComments
555562: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555562

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555563: createGithubIssue
555563: addGithubLabels
555563: addGithubMilestone
555563: postGithubComments
555563: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555563

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555564: createGithubIssue
555564: addGithubLabels
555564: addGithubMilestone
555564: postGithubComments
555564: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555564

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555565: createGithubIssue
555565: addGithubLabels
555565: addGithubMilestone
555565: postGithubComments
555565: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555565

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555566: createGithubIssue
555566: addGithubLabels
555566: addGithubMilestone
555566: postGithubComments
555566: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555566

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555567: createGithubIssue
555567: addGithubLabels
555567: addGithubMilestone
555567: postGithubComments
555567: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555567

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555568: createGithubIssue
555568: addGithubLabels
555568: addGithubMilestone
555568: postGithubComments
555568: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555568

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555569: createGithubIssue
555569: addGithubLabels
555569: addGithubMilestone
555569: postGithubComments
555569: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555569

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555570: createGithubIssue
555570: addGithubLabels
555570: addGithubMilestone
555570: postGithubComments
555570: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555570

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555571: createGithubIssue
555571: addGithubLabels
555571: addGithubMilestone
555571: postGithubComments
555571: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555571

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555572: createGithubIssue
555572: addGithubLabels
555572: addGithubMilestone
555572: postGithubComments
555572: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555572

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555573: createGithubIssue
555573: addGithubLabels
555573: addGithubMilestone
555573: postGithubComments
555573: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555573

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555574: createGithubIssue
555574: addGithubLabels
555574: addGithubMilestone
555574: postGithubComments
555574: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555574

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555575: createGithubIssue
555575: addGithubLabels
555575: addGithubMilestone
555575: postGithubComments
555575: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555575

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555576: createGithubIssue
555576: addGithubLabels
555576: addGithubMilestone
555576: postGithubComments
555576: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555576

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555577: createGithubIssue
555577: addGithubLabels
555577: addGithubMilestone
555577: postGithubComments
555577: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555577

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555578: createGithubIssue
555578: addGithubLabels
555578: addGithubMilestone
555578: postGithubComments
555578: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555578

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555579: createGithubIssue
555579: addGithubLabels
555579: addGithubMilestone
555579: postGithubComments
555579: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555579

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555580: createGithubIssue
555580: addGithubLabels
555580: addGithubMilestone
555580: postGithubComments
555580: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555580

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555581: createGithubIssue
555581: addGithubLabels
555581: addGithubMilestone
555581: postGithubComments
555581: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555581

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555582: createGithubIssue
555582: addGithubLabels
555582: addGithubMilestone
555582: postGithubComments
555582: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555582

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555583: createGithubIssue
555583: addGithubLabels
555583: addGithubMilestone
555583: postGithubComments
555583: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555583

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555584: createGithubIssue
555584: addGithubLabels
555584: addGithubMilestone
555584: postGithubComments
555584: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555584

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555585: createGithubIssue
555585: addGithubLabels
555585: addGithubMilestone
555585: postGithubComments
555585: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555585

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555586: createGithubIssue
555586: addGithubLabels
555586: addGithubMilestone
555586: postGithubComments
555586: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555586

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555587: createGithubIssue
555587: addGithubLabels
555587: addGithubMilestone
555587: postGithubComments
555587: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555587

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555588: createGithubIssue
555588: addGithubLabels
555588: addGithubMilestone
555588: postGithubComments
555588: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555588

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555589: createGithubIssue
555589: addGithubLabels
555589: addGithubMilestone
555589: postGithubComments
555589: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555589

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555590: createGithubIssue
555590: addGithubLabels
555590: addGithubMilestone
555590: postGithubComments
555590: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555590

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555591: createGithubIssue
555591: addGithubLabels
555591: addGithubMilestone
555591: postGithubComments
555591: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555591

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555592: createGithubIssue
555592: addGithubLabels
555592: addGithubMilestone
555592: postGithubComments
555592: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555592

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555593: createGithubIssue
555593: addGithubLabels
555593: addGithubMilestone
555593: postGithubComments
555593: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555593

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555594: createGithubIssue
555594: addGithubLabels
555594: addGithubMilestone
555594: postGithubComments
555594: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555594

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555595: createGithubIssue
555595: addGithubLabels
555595: addGithubMilestone
555595: postGithubComments
555595: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555595

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555596: createGithubIssue
555596: addGithubLabels
555596: addGithubMilestone
555596: postGithubComments
555596: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555596

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555597: createGithubIssue
555597: addGithubLabels
555597: addGithubMilestone
555597: postGithubComments
555597: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555597

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555598: createGithubIssue
555598: addGithubLabels
555598: addGithubMilestone
555598: postGithubComments
555598: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555598

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555599: createGithubIssue
555599: addGithubLabels
555599: addGithubMilestone
555599: postGithubComments
555599: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555599

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555600: createGithubIssue
555600: addGithubLabels
555600: addGithubMilestone
555600: postGithubComments
555600: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555600

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555601: createGithubIssue
555601: addGithubLabels
555601: addGithubMilestone
555601: postGithubComments
555601: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555601

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555602: createGithubIssue
555602: addGithubLabels
555602: addGithubMilestone
555602: postGithubComments
555602: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555602

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555603: createGithubIssue
555603: addGithubLabels
555603: addGithubMilestone
555603: postGithubComments
555603: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555603

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555604: createGithubIssue
555604: addGithubLabels
555604: addGithubMilestone
555604: postGithubComments
555604: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555604

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555605: createGithubIssue
555605: addGithubLabels
555605: addGithubMilestone
555605: postGithubComments
555605: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555605

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

All issues are transferred
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withCredentials
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // container
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Declarative: Post Actions)
[Pipeline] archiveArtifacts
Archiving artifacts
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // podTemplate
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Finished: SUCCESS