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Console Output

Started by user Philippe DUL
Running as Philippe DUL
Running in Durability level: PERFORMANCE_OPTIMIZED
[Pipeline] Start of Pipeline
[Pipeline] podTemplate
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] node
Still waiting to schedule task
All nodes of label ‘capella-agent-pod-um2’ are offline
Created Pod: capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-gpdhf-vw9f4
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-gpdhf-vw9f4][Scheduled] Successfully assigned capella-agent-pod-um2-gpdhf-vw9f4 to
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-gpdhf-vw9f4][SuccessfulMountVolume] MountVolume.SetUp succeeded for volume "workspace-volume" 
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-gpdhf-vw9f4][SuccessfulMountVolume] MountVolume.SetUp succeeded for volume "default-token-6q2jx" 
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-gpdhf-vw9f4][Pulled] Container image "node:12.16.1" already present on machine
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-gpdhf-vw9f4][Created] Created container
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-gpdhf-vw9f4][Started] Started container
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-gpdhf-vw9f4][Pulled] Container image "" already present on machine
Agent capella-agent-pod-um2-gpdhf-vw9f4 is provisioned from template capella-agent-pod-um2-gpdhf
apiVersion: "v1"
kind: "Pod"
    buildUrl: "http://jenkins-ui.capella.svc.cluster.local/capella/job/capella-issues/103/"
    runUrl: "job/capella-issues/103/"
    jenkins: "slave"
    jenkins/label: "capella-agent-pod-um2"
  name: "capella-agent-pod-um2-gpdhf-vw9f4"
  - image: "node:12.16.1"
    name: "node"
    tty: true
    - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent"
      name: "workspace-volume"
      readOnly: false
  - env:
    - name: "JENKINS_SECRET"
      value: "********"
    - name: "JENKINS_TUNNEL"
      value: "jenkins-discovery.capella.svc.cluster.local:50000"
    - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_NAME"
      value: "capella-agent-pod-um2-gpdhf-vw9f4"
    - name: "JENKINS_NAME"
      value: "capella-agent-pod-um2-gpdhf-vw9f4"
      value: "/home/jenkins/agent"
    - name: "JENKINS_URL"
      value: "http://jenkins-ui.capella.svc.cluster.local/capella/"
    image: ""
    name: "jnlp"
        cpu: "100m"
        memory: "256Mi"
    - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent"
      name: "workspace-volume"
      readOnly: false
  nodeSelector: "linux"
  restartPolicy: "Never"
  securityContext: {}
  - emptyDir:
      medium: ""
    name: "workspace-volume"

Running on capella-agent-pod-um2-gpdhf-vw9f4 in /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/capella-issues
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Generate Documentation)
[Pipeline] withEnv
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] container
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
+ npm version
  npm: '6.13.4',
  ares: '1.15.0',
  brotli: '1.0.7',
  cldr: '35.1',
  http_parser: '2.9.3',
  icu: '64.2',
  llhttp: '2.0.4',
  modules: '72',
  napi: '5',
  nghttp2: '1.40.0',
  node: '12.16.1',
  openssl: '1.1.1d',
  tz: '2019c',
  unicode: '12.1',
  uv: '1.34.0',
  v8: '',
  zlib: '1.2.11'
[Pipeline] sh
+ git clone -b master bugs
Cloning into 'bugs'...
[Pipeline] sh
+ git clone -b master import
Cloning into 'import'...
[Pipeline] sh
+ mv bugs/bugs-polarsys.json import/
[Pipeline] withCredentials
Masking supported pattern matches of $TOKEN
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
+ cd import
+ echo 
+ echo {
+ echo "user":"eclipse-capella-bot",
+ echo "password":"****",
+ echo "userCommiter":"eclipse-capella-bot",
+ echo "passwordCommiter":"****",
+ echo "repository":"eclipse/capella",
+ echo "bugsFile":"bugs-polarsys.json",
+ echo "count":100,
+ echo "includedProducts": [ "Capella" ],
+ echo "includedComponents": [ "Capella Gitadapter", "Core", "Detachment", "Diagram", "Diff-Merge", "Documentation", "Forum", "General", "Library", "ModelValidation", "Patterns", "Properties", "Rec-Rpl", "Releng", "Test framework", "Transition", "UI", "Website" ]
+ echo }
+ node index
All components
  'Capella Gitadapter', 'Capella Studio',
  'Core',               'Cybersecurity',
  'Detachment',         'Diagram',
  'Diff-Merge',         'Documentation',
  'Filtering',          'Forum',
  'GenDoc HTML',        'General',
  'Groovy',             'Library',
  'Mass VP',            'ModelValidation',
  'Modes/States VP',    'Patterns',
  'Perfo VP',           'Price VP',
  'Properties',         'Rec-Rpl',
  'Releng',             'RequirementsVP',
  'System2Subsystem',   'Test framework',
  'Textual editor',     'Transition',
  'UI',                 'Website',
  'XML Pivot'
Count of issues to import :
Keeped products
[ 'Capella' ]
Keeped components
  'Capella Gitadapter', 'Core',
  'Detachment',         'Diagram',
  'Diff-Merge',         'Documentation',
  'Forum',              'General',
  'Library',            'ModelValidation',
  'Patterns',           'Properties',
  'Rec-Rpl',            'Releng',
  'Test framework',     'Transition',
  'UI',                 'Website'
  '0.8.0', '0.8.1', '0.8.2', '0.8.3',
  '0.8.4', '0.8.5', '0.8.6', '0.8.7',
  '1.0.0', '1.0.1', '1.0.2', '1.0.3',
  '1.0.4', '1.0.5', '1.1.0', '1.1.1',
  '1.1.2', '1.1.3', '1.1.4', '1.2.0',
  '1.2.1', '1.2.2', '1.2.3', '1.3.0',
  '1.3.1', '1.3.2', '1.3.3', '1.4.0',
  '1.4.1', '1.4.2', '5.0.0', '5.1.0'
Next bugzilla id is :
Expected imported issues from config :
Next bugzilla to import are :
  555304, 555305, 555306, 555307, 555308, 555309, 555310,
  555311, 555312, 555313, 555314, 555315, 555316, 555317,
  555318, 555319, 555320, 555321, 555322, 555323, 555324,
  555325, 555428, 555429, 555430, 555431, 555432, 555433,
  555434, 555435, 555436, 555437, 555438, 555439, 555440,
  555441, 555442, 555443, 555444, 555445, 555446, 555447,
  555448, 555449, 555450, 555451, 555452, 555453, 555454,
  555455, 555456, 555457, 555458, 555459, 555460, 555461,
  555462, 555463, 555464, 555465, 555466, 555467, 555468,
  555469, 555470, 555471, 555472, 555473, 555474, 555475,
  555476, 555477, 555478, 555479, 555480, 555481, 555482,
  555483, 555484, 555485, 555486, 555487, 555488, 555489,
  555490, 555491, 555492, 555493, 555494, 555495, 555496,
  555497, 555498, 555499, 555500, 555501, 555502, 555503,
  555504, 555505
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 555309
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 555318
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 555441
Milestones existing:
  '1.0.5', '1.2.3', '5.0.0', '5.1.0',
  '0.8.0', '0.8.1', '0.8.2', '0.8.3',
  '1.0.0', '0.8.4', '1.0.1', '0.8.5',
  '0.8.6', '1.0.2', '1.0.3', '1.1.0',
  '0.8.7', '1.0.4', '1.1.1', '1.1.2',
  '1.1.3', '1.2.0', '1.1.4', '1.2.1',
  '1.3.0', '1.2.2', '1.3.1', '1.4.0',
  '1.3.2', '1.4.1', '1.3.3', '1.4.2'
555304: createGithubIssue
555304: addGithubLabels
555304: addGithubMilestone
555304: postGithubComments
555304: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555304

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555305: createGithubIssue
555305: addGithubLabels
555305: addGithubMilestone
555305: postGithubComments
555305: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555305

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555306: createGithubIssue
555306: addGithubLabels
555306: addGithubMilestone
555306: postGithubComments
555306: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555306

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555307: createGithubIssue
555307: addGithubLabels
555307: addGithubMilestone
555307: postGithubComments
555307: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555307

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555308: createGithubIssue
555308: addGithubLabels
555308: addGithubMilestone
555308: postGithubComments
555308: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555308

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555309: createGithubIssue
555309: addGithubLabels
555309: addGithubMilestone
555309: postGithubComments
555309: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555309

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555310: createGithubIssue
555310: addGithubLabels
555310: addGithubMilestone
555310: postGithubComments
555310: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555310

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555311: createGithubIssue
555311: addGithubLabels
555311: addGithubMilestone
555311: postGithubComments
555311: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555311

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555312: createGithubIssue
555312: addGithubLabels
555312: addGithubMilestone
555312: postGithubComments
555312: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555312

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555313: createGithubIssue
555313: addGithubLabels
555313: addGithubMilestone
555313: postGithubComments
555313: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555313

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555314: createGithubIssue
555314: addGithubLabels
555314: addGithubMilestone
555314: postGithubComments
555314: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555314

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555315: createGithubIssue
555315: addGithubLabels
555315: addGithubMilestone
555315: postGithubComments
555315: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555315

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555316: createGithubIssue
555316: addGithubLabels
555316: addGithubMilestone
555316: postGithubComments
555316: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555316

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555317: createGithubIssue
555317: addGithubLabels
555317: addGithubMilestone
555317: postGithubComments
555317: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555317

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555318: createGithubIssue
555318: addGithubLabels
555318: addGithubMilestone
555318: postGithubComments
555318: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555318

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555319: createGithubIssue
555319: addGithubLabels
555319: addGithubMilestone
555319: postGithubComments
555319: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555319

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555320: createGithubIssue
555320: addGithubLabels
555320: addGithubMilestone
555320: postGithubComments
555320: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555320

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555321: createGithubIssue
555321: addGithubLabels
555321: addGithubMilestone
555321: postGithubComments
555321: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555321

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555322: createGithubIssue
555322: addGithubLabels
555322: addGithubMilestone
555322: postGithubComments
555322: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555322

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555323: createGithubIssue
555323: addGithubLabels
555323: addGithubMilestone
555323: postGithubComments
555323: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555323

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555324: createGithubIssue
555324: addGithubLabels
555324: addGithubMilestone
555324: postGithubComments
555324: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555324

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555325: createGithubIssue
555325: addGithubLabels
555325: addGithubMilestone
555325: postGithubComments
555325: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555325

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555428: createGithubIssue
555428: addGithubLabels
555428: addGithubMilestone
555428: postGithubComments
555428: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555428

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555429: createGithubIssue
555429: addGithubLabels
555429: addGithubMilestone
555429: postGithubComments
555429: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555429

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555430: createGithubIssue
555430: addGithubLabels
555430: addGithubMilestone
555430: postGithubComments
555430: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555430

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555431: createGithubIssue
555431: addGithubLabels
555431: addGithubMilestone
555431: postGithubComments
555431: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555431

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555432: createGithubIssue
555432: addGithubLabels
555432: addGithubMilestone
555432: postGithubComments
555432: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555432

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555433: createGithubIssue
555433: addGithubLabels
555433: addGithubMilestone
555433: postGithubComments
555433: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555433

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555434: createGithubIssue
555434: addGithubLabels
555434: addGithubMilestone
555434: postGithubComments
555434: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555434

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555435: createGithubIssue
555435: addGithubLabels
555435: addGithubMilestone
555435: postGithubComments
555435: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555435

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555436: createGithubIssue
555436: addGithubLabels
555436: addGithubMilestone
555436: postGithubComments
555436: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555436

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555437: createGithubIssue
555437: addGithubLabels
555437: addGithubMilestone
555437: postGithubComments
555437: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555437

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555438: createGithubIssue
555438: addGithubLabels
555438: addGithubMilestone
555438: postGithubComments
555438: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555438

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555439: createGithubIssue
555439: addGithubLabels
555439: addGithubMilestone
555439: postGithubComments
555439: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555439

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555440: createGithubIssue
555440: addGithubLabels
555440: addGithubMilestone
555440: postGithubComments
555440: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555440

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555441: createGithubIssue
555441: addGithubLabels
555441: addGithubMilestone
555441: postGithubComments
555441: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555441

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555442: createGithubIssue
555442: addGithubLabels
555442: addGithubMilestone
555442: postGithubComments
555442: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555442

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555443: createGithubIssue
555443: addGithubLabels
555443: addGithubMilestone
555443: postGithubComments
555443: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555443

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555444: createGithubIssue
555444: addGithubLabels
555444: addGithubMilestone
555444: postGithubComments
555444: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555444

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555445: createGithubIssue
555445: addGithubLabels
555445: addGithubMilestone
555445: postGithubComments
555445: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555445

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555446: createGithubIssue
555446: addGithubLabels
555446: addGithubMilestone
555446: postGithubComments
555446: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555446

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555447: createGithubIssue
555447: addGithubLabels
555447: addGithubMilestone
555447: postGithubComments
555447: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555447

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555448: createGithubIssue
555448: addGithubLabels
555448: addGithubMilestone
555448: postGithubComments
555448: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555448

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555449: createGithubIssue
555449: addGithubLabels
555449: addGithubMilestone
555449: postGithubComments
555449: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555449

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555450: createGithubIssue
555450: addGithubLabels
555450: addGithubMilestone
555450: postGithubComments
555450: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555450

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555451: createGithubIssue
555451: addGithubLabels
555451: addGithubMilestone
555451: postGithubComments
555451: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555451

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555452: createGithubIssue
555452: addGithubLabels
555452: addGithubMilestone
555452: postGithubComments
555452: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555452

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555453: createGithubIssue
555453: addGithubLabels
555453: addGithubMilestone
555453: postGithubComments
555453: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555453

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555454: createGithubIssue
555454: addGithubLabels
555454: addGithubMilestone
555454: postGithubComments
555454: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555454

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555455: createGithubIssue
555455: addGithubLabels
555455: addGithubMilestone
555455: postGithubComments
555455: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555455

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555456: createGithubIssue
555456: addGithubLabels
555456: addGithubMilestone
555456: postGithubComments
555456: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555456

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555457: createGithubIssue
555457: addGithubLabels
555457: addGithubMilestone
555457: postGithubComments
555457: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555457

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555458: createGithubIssue
555458: addGithubLabels
555458: addGithubMilestone
555458: postGithubComments
555458: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555458

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555459: createGithubIssue
555459: addGithubLabels
555459: addGithubMilestone
555459: postGithubComments
555459: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555459

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555460: createGithubIssue
555460: addGithubLabels
555460: addGithubMilestone
555460: postGithubComments
555460: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555460

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555461: createGithubIssue
555461: addGithubLabels
555461: addGithubMilestone
555461: postGithubComments
555461: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555461

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555462: createGithubIssue
555462: addGithubLabels
555462: addGithubMilestone
555462: postGithubComments
555462: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555462

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555463: createGithubIssue
555463: addGithubLabels
555463: addGithubMilestone
555463: postGithubComments
555463: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555463

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555464: createGithubIssue
555464: addGithubLabels
555464: addGithubMilestone
555464: postGithubComments
555464: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555464

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555465: createGithubIssue
555465: addGithubLabels
555465: addGithubMilestone
555465: postGithubComments
555465: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555465

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555466: createGithubIssue
555466: addGithubLabels
555466: addGithubMilestone
555466: postGithubComments
555466: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555466

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555467: createGithubIssue
555467: addGithubLabels
555467: addGithubMilestone
555467: postGithubComments
555467: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555467

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555468: createGithubIssue
555468: addGithubLabels
555468: addGithubMilestone
555468: postGithubComments
555468: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555468

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555469: createGithubIssue
555469: addGithubLabels
555469: addGithubMilestone
555469: postGithubComments
555469: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555469

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555470: createGithubIssue
555470: addGithubLabels
555470: addGithubMilestone
555470: postGithubComments
555470: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555470

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555471: createGithubIssue
555471: addGithubLabels
555471: addGithubMilestone
555471: postGithubComments
555471: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555471

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555472: createGithubIssue
555472: addGithubLabels
555472: addGithubMilestone
555472: postGithubComments
555472: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555472

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555473: createGithubIssue
555473: addGithubLabels
555473: addGithubMilestone
555473: postGithubComments
555473: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555473

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555474: createGithubIssue
555474: addGithubLabels
555474: addGithubMilestone
555474: postGithubComments
555474: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555474

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555475: createGithubIssue
555475: addGithubLabels
555475: addGithubMilestone
555475: postGithubComments
555475: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555475

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555476: createGithubIssue
555476: addGithubLabels
555476: addGithubMilestone
555476: postGithubComments
555476: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555476

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555477: createGithubIssue
555477: addGithubLabels
555477: addGithubMilestone
555477: postGithubComments
555477: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555477

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555478: createGithubIssue
555478: addGithubLabels
555478: addGithubMilestone
555478: postGithubComments
555478: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555478

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555479: createGithubIssue
555479: addGithubLabels
555479: addGithubMilestone
555479: postGithubComments
555479: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555479

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555480: createGithubIssue
555480: addGithubLabels
555480: addGithubMilestone
555480: postGithubComments
555480: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555480

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555481: createGithubIssue
555481: addGithubLabels
555481: addGithubMilestone
555481: postGithubComments
555481: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555481

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555482: createGithubIssue
555482: addGithubLabels
555482: addGithubMilestone
555482: postGithubComments
555482: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555482

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555483: createGithubIssue
555483: addGithubLabels
555483: addGithubMilestone
555483: postGithubComments
555483: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555483

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555484: createGithubIssue
555484: addGithubLabels
555484: addGithubMilestone
555484: postGithubComments
555484: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555484

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555485: createGithubIssue
555485: addGithubLabels
555485: addGithubMilestone
555485: postGithubComments
555485: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555485

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555486: createGithubIssue
555486: addGithubLabels
555486: addGithubMilestone
555486: postGithubComments
555486: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555486

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555487: createGithubIssue
555487: addGithubLabels
555487: addGithubMilestone
555487: postGithubComments
555487: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555487

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555488: createGithubIssue
555488: addGithubLabels
555488: addGithubMilestone
555488: postGithubComments
555488: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555488

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555489: createGithubIssue
555489: addGithubLabels
555489: addGithubMilestone
555489: postGithubComments
555489: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555489

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555490: createGithubIssue
555490: addGithubLabels
555490: addGithubMilestone
555490: postGithubComments
555490: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555490

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555491: createGithubIssue
555491: addGithubLabels
555491: addGithubMilestone
555491: postGithubComments
555491: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555491

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555492: createGithubIssue
555492: addGithubLabels
555492: addGithubMilestone
555492: postGithubComments
555492: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555492

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555493: createGithubIssue
555493: addGithubLabels
555493: addGithubMilestone
555493: postGithubComments
555493: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555493

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555494: createGithubIssue
555494: addGithubLabels
555494: addGithubMilestone
555494: postGithubComments
555494: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555494

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555495: createGithubIssue
555495: addGithubLabels
555495: addGithubMilestone
555495: postGithubComments
555495: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555495

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555496: createGithubIssue
555496: addGithubLabels
555496: addGithubMilestone
555496: postGithubComments
555496: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555496

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555497: createGithubIssue
555497: addGithubLabels
555497: addGithubMilestone
555497: postGithubComments
555497: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555497

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555498: createGithubIssue
555498: addGithubLabels
555498: addGithubMilestone
555498: postGithubComments
555498: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555498

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555499: createGithubIssue
555499: addGithubLabels
555499: addGithubMilestone
555499: postGithubComments
555499: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555499

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555500: createGithubIssue
555500: addGithubLabels
555500: addGithubMilestone
555500: postGithubComments
555500: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555500

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555501: createGithubIssue
555501: addGithubLabels
555501: addGithubMilestone
555501: postGithubComments
555501: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555501

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555502: createGithubIssue
555502: addGithubLabels
555502: addGithubMilestone
555502: postGithubComments
555502: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555502

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555503: createGithubIssue
555503: addGithubLabels
555503: addGithubMilestone
555503: postGithubComments
555503: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555503

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555504: createGithubIssue
555504: addGithubLabels
555504: addGithubMilestone
555504: postGithubComments
555504: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555504

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555505: createGithubIssue
555505: addGithubLabels
555505: addGithubMilestone
555505: postGithubComments
555505: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555505

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

All issues are transferred
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withCredentials
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // container
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Declarative: Post Actions)
[Pipeline] archiveArtifacts
Archiving artifacts
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // podTemplate
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Finished: SUCCESS