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Console Output

Started by user Philippe DUL
Running as Philippe DUL
Running in Durability level: PERFORMANCE_OPTIMIZED
[Pipeline] Start of Pipeline
[Pipeline] podTemplate
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] node
Still waiting to schedule task
Waiting for next available executor
Created Pod: capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-19cs7-kzdr3
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-19cs7-kzdr3][Scheduled] Successfully assigned capella-agent-pod-um2-19cs7-kzdr3 to
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-19cs7-kzdr3][SuccessfulMountVolume] MountVolume.SetUp succeeded for volume "workspace-volume" 
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-19cs7-kzdr3][SuccessfulMountVolume] MountVolume.SetUp succeeded for volume "default-token-6q2jx" 
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-19cs7-kzdr3][Pulled] Container image "node:12.16.1" already present on machine
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-19cs7-kzdr3][Created] Created container
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-19cs7-kzdr3][Started] Started container
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-19cs7-kzdr3][Pulled] Container image "" already present on machine
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-19cs7-kzdr3][Created] Created container
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-19cs7-kzdr3][Started] Started container
Agent capella-agent-pod-um2-19cs7-kzdr3 is provisioned from template capella-agent-pod-um2-19cs7
apiVersion: "v1"
kind: "Pod"
    buildUrl: "http://jenkins-ui.capella.svc.cluster.local/capella/job/capella-issues/105/"
    runUrl: "job/capella-issues/105/"
    jenkins: "slave"
    jenkins/label: "capella-agent-pod-um2"
  name: "capella-agent-pod-um2-19cs7-kzdr3"
  - image: "node:12.16.1"
    name: "node"
    tty: true
    - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent"
      name: "workspace-volume"
      readOnly: false
  - env:
    - name: "JENKINS_SECRET"
      value: "********"
    - name: "JENKINS_TUNNEL"
      value: "jenkins-discovery.capella.svc.cluster.local:50000"
    - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_NAME"
      value: "capella-agent-pod-um2-19cs7-kzdr3"
    - name: "JENKINS_NAME"
      value: "capella-agent-pod-um2-19cs7-kzdr3"
      value: "/home/jenkins/agent"
    - name: "JENKINS_URL"
      value: "http://jenkins-ui.capella.svc.cluster.local/capella/"
    image: ""
    name: "jnlp"
        cpu: "100m"
        memory: "256Mi"
    - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent"
      name: "workspace-volume"
      readOnly: false
  nodeSelector: "linux"
  restartPolicy: "Never"
  securityContext: {}
  - emptyDir:
      medium: ""
    name: "workspace-volume"

Running on capella-agent-pod-um2-19cs7-kzdr3 in /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/capella-issues
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Generate Documentation)
[Pipeline] withEnv
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] container
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
+ npm version
  npm: '6.13.4',
  ares: '1.15.0',
  brotli: '1.0.7',
  cldr: '35.1',
  http_parser: '2.9.3',
  icu: '64.2',
  llhttp: '2.0.4',
  modules: '72',
  napi: '5',
  nghttp2: '1.40.0',
  node: '12.16.1',
  openssl: '1.1.1d',
  tz: '2019c',
  unicode: '12.1',
  uv: '1.34.0',
  v8: '',
  zlib: '1.2.11'
[Pipeline] sh
+ git clone -b master bugs
Cloning into 'bugs'...
[Pipeline] sh
+ git clone -b master import
Cloning into 'import'...
[Pipeline] sh
+ mv bugs/bugs-polarsys.json import/
[Pipeline] withCredentials
Masking supported pattern matches of $TOKEN
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
+ cd import
+ echo 
+ echo {
+ echo "user":"eclipse-capella-bot",
+ echo "password":"****",
+ echo "userCommiter":"eclipse-capella-bot",
+ echo "passwordCommiter":"****",
+ echo "repository":"eclipse/capella",
+ echo "bugsFile":"bugs-polarsys.json",
+ echo "count":100,
+ echo "includedProducts": [ "Capella" ],
+ echo "includedComponents": [ "Capella Gitadapter", "Core", "Detachment", "Diagram", "Diff-Merge", "Documentation", "Forum", "General", "Library", "ModelValidation", "Patterns", "Properties", "Rec-Rpl", "Releng", "Test framework", "Transition", "UI", "Website" ]
+ echo }
+ node index
All components
  'Capella Gitadapter', 'Capella Studio',
  'Core',               'Cybersecurity',
  'Detachment',         'Diagram',
  'Diff-Merge',         'Documentation',
  'Filtering',          'Forum',
  'GenDoc HTML',        'General',
  'Groovy',             'Library',
  'Mass VP',            'ModelValidation',
  'Modes/States VP',    'Patterns',
  'Perfo VP',           'Price VP',
  'Properties',         'Rec-Rpl',
  'Releng',             'RequirementsVP',
  'System2Subsystem',   'Test framework',
  'Textual editor',     'Transition',
  'UI',                 'Website',
  'XML Pivot'
Count of issues to import :
Keeped products
[ 'Capella' ]
Keeped components
  'Capella Gitadapter', 'Core',
  'Detachment',         'Diagram',
  'Diff-Merge',         'Documentation',
  'Forum',              'General',
  'Library',            'ModelValidation',
  'Patterns',           'Properties',
  'Rec-Rpl',            'Releng',
  'Test framework',     'Transition',
  'UI',                 'Website'
  '0.8.0', '0.8.1', '0.8.2', '0.8.3',
  '0.8.4', '0.8.5', '0.8.6', '0.8.7',
  '1.0.0', '1.0.1', '1.0.2', '1.0.3',
  '1.0.4', '1.0.5', '1.1.0', '1.1.1',
  '1.1.2', '1.1.3', '1.1.4', '1.2.0',
  '1.2.1', '1.2.2', '1.2.3', '1.3.0',
  '1.3.1', '1.3.2', '1.3.3', '1.4.0',
  '1.4.1', '1.4.2', '5.0.0', '5.1.0'
Next bugzilla id is :
Expected imported issues from config :
Next bugzilla to import are :
  555606, 555607, 555608, 555609, 555610, 555611, 555612,
  555613, 555614, 555615, 555616, 555617, 555618, 558001,
  558030, 558032, 558056, 558057, 558072, 558228, 558254,
  558370, 558433, 558775, 558889, 559108, 559152, 559156,
  559169, 559237, 559253, 559266, 559416, 559425, 559467,
  559591, 559825, 560079, 560092, 560245, 560468, 560556,
  560594, 560639, 560715, 560780, 560820, 560828, 560934,
  560956, 560962, 561178, 561361, 561365, 561395, 561414,
  561513, 561689, 561690, 561927, 562095, 562458, 562503,
  562670, 562834, 563087, 563107, 563193, 563293, 563326,
  563327, 563340, 563385, 563387, 563402, 563559, 564195,
  564346, 564430, 564517, 564575, 564722, 564740, 564776,
  564851, 564962, 564980, 565045, 565398, 565399, 565568,
  565577, 565792, 565806, 565807, 565808, 565829, 565837,
  565878, 565894
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 555609
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 555610
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 555611
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 555612
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 555613
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 562670
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 564517
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 564851
Milestones existing:
  '1.0.5', '1.2.3', '5.0.0', '5.1.0',
  '0.8.0', '0.8.1', '0.8.2', '0.8.3',
  '1.0.0', '0.8.4', '1.0.1', '0.8.5',
  '0.8.6', '1.0.2', '1.0.3', '1.1.0',
  '0.8.7', '1.0.4', '1.1.1', '1.1.2',
  '1.1.3', '1.2.0', '1.1.4', '1.2.1',
  '1.3.0', '1.2.2', '1.3.1', '1.4.0',
  '1.3.2', '1.4.1', '1.3.3', '1.4.2'
555606: createGithubIssue
555606: addGithubLabels
555606: addGithubMilestone
555606: postGithubComments
555606: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555606

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555607: createGithubIssue
555607: addGithubLabels
555607: addGithubMilestone
555607: postGithubComments
555607: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555607

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555608: createGithubIssue
555608: addGithubLabels
555608: addGithubMilestone
555608: postGithubComments
555608: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555608

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555609: createGithubIssue
555609: addGithubLabels
555609: addGithubMilestone
555609: postGithubComments
555609: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555609

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555610: createGithubIssue
555610: addGithubLabels
555610: addGithubMilestone
555610: postGithubComments
555610: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555610

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555611: createGithubIssue
555611: addGithubLabels
555611: addGithubMilestone
555611: postGithubComments
555611: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555611

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555612: createGithubIssue
555612: addGithubLabels
555612: addGithubMilestone
555612: postGithubComments
555612: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555612

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555613: createGithubIssue
555613: addGithubLabels
555613: addGithubMilestone
555613: postGithubComments
555613: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555613

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555614: createGithubIssue
555614: addGithubLabels
555614: addGithubMilestone
555614: postGithubComments
555614: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555614

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555615: createGithubIssue
555615: addGithubLabels
555615: addGithubMilestone
555615: postGithubComments
555615: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555615

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555616: createGithubIssue
555616: addGithubLabels
555616: addGithubMilestone
555616: postGithubComments
555616: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555616

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555617: createGithubIssue
555617: addGithubLabels
555617: addGithubMilestone
555617: postGithubComments
555617: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555617

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555618: createGithubIssue
555618: addGithubLabels
555618: addGithubMilestone
555618: postGithubComments
555618: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555618

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

558001: createGithubIssue
558001: addGithubLabels
558001: addGithubMilestone
558001: postGithubComments
558001: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 558001

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

558030: createGithubIssue
558030: addGithubLabels
558030: addGithubMilestone
558030: postGithubComments
558030: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 558030

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

558032: createGithubIssue
558032: addGithubLabels
558032: addGithubMilestone
558032: postGithubComments
558032: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 558032

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

558056: createGithubIssue
558056: addGithubLabels
558056: addGithubMilestone
558056: postGithubComments
558056: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 558056

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

558057: createGithubIssue
558057: addGithubLabels
558057: addGithubMilestone
558057: postGithubComments
558057: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 558057

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

558072: createGithubIssue
558072: addGithubLabels
558072: addGithubMilestone
558072: postGithubComments
558072: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 558072

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

558228: createGithubIssue
558228: addGithubLabels
558228: addGithubMilestone
558228: postGithubComments
558228: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 558228

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

558254: createGithubIssue
558254: addGithubLabels
558254: addGithubMilestone
558254: postGithubComments
558254: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 558254

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

558370: createGithubIssue
558370: addGithubLabels
558370: addGithubMilestone
558370: postGithubComments
558370: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 558370

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

558433: createGithubIssue
558433: addGithubLabels
558433: addGithubMilestone
558433: postGithubComments
558433: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 558433

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

558775: createGithubIssue
558775: addGithubLabels
558775: addGithubMilestone
558775: postGithubComments
558775: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 558775

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

558889: createGithubIssue
558889: addGithubLabels
558889: addGithubMilestone
558889: postGithubComments
558889: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 558889

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

559108: createGithubIssue
559108: addGithubLabels
559108: addGithubMilestone
559108: postGithubComments
559108: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 559108

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

559152: createGithubIssue
559152: addGithubLabels
559152: addGithubMilestone
559152: postGithubComments
559152: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 559152

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

559156: createGithubIssue
559156: addGithubLabels
559156: addGithubMilestone
559156: postGithubComments
559156: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 559156

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

559169: createGithubIssue
559169: addGithubLabels
559169: addGithubMilestone
559169: postGithubComments
559169: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 559169

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

559237: createGithubIssue
559237: addGithubLabels
559237: addGithubMilestone
559237: postGithubComments
559237: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 559237

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

559253: createGithubIssue
559253: addGithubLabels
559253: addGithubMilestone
559253: postGithubComments
559253: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 559253

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

559266: createGithubIssue
559266: addGithubLabels
559266: addGithubMilestone
559266: postGithubComments
559266: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 559266

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

559416: createGithubIssue
559416: addGithubLabels
559416: addGithubMilestone
559416: postGithubComments
559416: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 559416

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

559425: createGithubIssue
559425: addGithubLabels
559425: addGithubMilestone
559425: postGithubComments
559425: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 559425

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

559467: createGithubIssue
559467: addGithubLabels
559467: addGithubMilestone
559467: postGithubComments
559467: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 559467

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

559591: createGithubIssue
559591: addGithubLabels
559591: addGithubMilestone
559591: postGithubComments
559591: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 559591

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

559825: createGithubIssue
559825: addGithubLabels
559825: addGithubMilestone
559825: postGithubComments
559825: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 559825

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

560079: createGithubIssue
560079: addGithubLabels
560079: addGithubMilestone
560079: postGithubComments
560079: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 560079

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

560092: createGithubIssue
560092: addGithubLabels
560092: addGithubMilestone
560092: postGithubComments
560092: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 560092

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

560245: createGithubIssue
560245: addGithubLabels
560245: addGithubMilestone
560245: postGithubComments
560245: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 560245

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

560468: createGithubIssue
560468: addGithubLabels
560468: addGithubMilestone
560468: postGithubComments
560468: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 560468

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

560556: createGithubIssue
560556: addGithubLabels
560556: addGithubMilestone
560556: postGithubComments
560556: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 560556

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

560594: createGithubIssue
560594: addGithubLabels
560594: addGithubMilestone
560594: postGithubComments
560594: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 560594

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

560639: createGithubIssue
560639: addGithubLabels
560639: addGithubMilestone
560639: postGithubComments
560639: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 560639

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

560715: createGithubIssue
560715: addGithubLabels
560715: addGithubMilestone
560715: postGithubComments
560715: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 560715

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

560780: createGithubIssue
560780: addGithubLabels
560780: addGithubMilestone
560780: postGithubComments
560780: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 560780

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

560820: createGithubIssue
560820: addGithubLabels
560820: addGithubMilestone
560820: postGithubComments
560820: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 560820

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

560828: createGithubIssue
560828: addGithubLabels
560828: addGithubMilestone
560828: postGithubComments
560828: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 560828

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

560934: createGithubIssue
560934: addGithubLabels
560934: addGithubMilestone
560934: postGithubComments
560934: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 560934

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

560956: createGithubIssue
560956: addGithubLabels
560956: addGithubMilestone
560956: postGithubComments
560956: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 560956

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

560962: createGithubIssue
560962: addGithubLabels
560962: addGithubMilestone
560962: postGithubComments
560962: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 560962

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

561178: createGithubIssue
561178: addGithubLabels
561178: addGithubMilestone
561178: postGithubComments
561178: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 561178

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

561361: createGithubIssue
561361: addGithubLabels
561361: addGithubMilestone
561361: postGithubComments
561361: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 561361

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

561365: createGithubIssue
561365: addGithubLabels
561365: addGithubMilestone
561365: postGithubComments
561365: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 561365

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

561395: createGithubIssue
561395: addGithubLabels
561395: addGithubMilestone
561395: postGithubComments
561395: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 561395

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

561414: createGithubIssue
561414: addGithubLabels
561414: addGithubMilestone
561414: postGithubComments
561414: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 561414

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

561513: createGithubIssue
561513: addGithubLabels
561513: addGithubMilestone
561513: postGithubComments
561513: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 561513

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

561689: createGithubIssue
561689: addGithubLabels
561689: addGithubMilestone
561689: postGithubComments
561689: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 561689

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

561690: createGithubIssue
561690: addGithubLabels
561690: addGithubMilestone
561690: postGithubComments
561690: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 561690

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

561927: createGithubIssue
561927: addGithubLabels
561927: addGithubMilestone
561927: postGithubComments
561927: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 561927

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

562095: createGithubIssue
562095: addGithubLabels
562095: addGithubMilestone
562095: postGithubComments
562095: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 562095

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

562458: createGithubIssue
562458: addGithubLabels
562458: addGithubMilestone
562458: postGithubComments
562458: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 562458

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

562503: createGithubIssue
562503: addGithubLabels
562503: addGithubMilestone
562503: postGithubComments
562503: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 562503

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

562670: createGithubIssue
562670: addGithubLabels
562670: addGithubMilestone
562670: postGithubComments
562670: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 562670

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

562834: createGithubIssue
562834: addGithubLabels
562834: addGithubMilestone
562834: postGithubComments
562834: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 562834

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

563087: createGithubIssue
563087: addGithubLabels
563087: addGithubMilestone
563087: postGithubComments
563087: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 563087

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

563107: createGithubIssue
563107: addGithubLabels
563107: addGithubMilestone
563107: postGithubComments
563107: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 563107

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

563193: createGithubIssue
563193: addGithubLabels
563193: addGithubMilestone
563193: postGithubComments
563193: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 563193

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

563293: createGithubIssue
563293: addGithubLabels
563293: addGithubMilestone
563293: postGithubComments
563293: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 563293

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

563326: createGithubIssue
563326: addGithubLabels
563326: addGithubMilestone
563326: postGithubComments
563326: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 563326

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

563327: createGithubIssue
563327: addGithubLabels
563327: addGithubMilestone
563327: postGithubComments
563327: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 563327

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

563340: createGithubIssue
563340: addGithubLabels
563340: addGithubMilestone
563340: postGithubComments
563340: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 563340

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

563385: createGithubIssue
563385: addGithubLabels
563385: addGithubMilestone
563385: postGithubComments
563385: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 563385

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

563387: createGithubIssue
563387: addGithubLabels
563387: addGithubMilestone
563387: postGithubComments
563387: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 563387

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

563402: createGithubIssue
563402: addGithubLabels
563402: addGithubMilestone
563402: postGithubComments
563402: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 563402

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

563559: createGithubIssue
563559: addGithubLabels
563559: addGithubMilestone
563559: postGithubComments
563559: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 563559

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

564195: createGithubIssue
564195: addGithubLabels
564195: addGithubMilestone
564195: postGithubComments
564195: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 564195

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

564346: createGithubIssue
564346: addGithubLabels
564346: addGithubMilestone
564346: postGithubComments
564346: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 564346

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

564430: createGithubIssue
564430: addGithubLabels
564430: addGithubMilestone
564430: postGithubComments
564430: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 564430

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

564517: createGithubIssue
564517: addGithubLabels
564517: addGithubMilestone
564517: postGithubComments
564517: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 564517

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

564575: createGithubIssue
564575: addGithubLabels
564575: addGithubMilestone
564575: postGithubComments
564575: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 564575

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

564722: createGithubIssue
564722: addGithubLabels
564722: addGithubMilestone
564722: postGithubComments
564722: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 564722

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

564740: createGithubIssue
564740: addGithubLabels
564740: addGithubMilestone
564740: postGithubComments
564740: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 564740

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

564776: createGithubIssue
564776: addGithubLabels
564776: addGithubMilestone
564776: postGithubComments
564776: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 564776

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

564851: createGithubIssue
564851: addGithubLabels
564851: addGithubMilestone
564851: postGithubComments
564851: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 564851

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

564962: createGithubIssue
564962: addGithubLabels
564962: addGithubMilestone
564962: postGithubComments
564962: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 564962

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

564980: createGithubIssue
564980: addGithubLabels
564980: addGithubMilestone
564980: postGithubComments
564980: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 564980

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

565045: createGithubIssue
565045: addGithubLabels
565045: addGithubMilestone
565045: postGithubComments
565045: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 565045

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

565398: createGithubIssue
565398: addGithubLabels
565398: addGithubMilestone
565398: postGithubComments
565398: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 565398

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

565399: createGithubIssue
565399: addGithubLabels
565399: addGithubMilestone
565399: postGithubComments
565399: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 565399

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

565568: createGithubIssue
565568: addGithubLabels
565568: addGithubMilestone
565568: postGithubComments
565568: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 565568

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

565577: createGithubIssue
565577: addGithubLabels
565577: addGithubMilestone
565577: postGithubComments
565577: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 565577

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

565792: createGithubIssue
565792: addGithubLabels
565792: addGithubMilestone
565792: postGithubComments
565792: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 565792

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

565806: createGithubIssue
565806: addGithubLabels
565806: addGithubMilestone
565806: postGithubComments
565806: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 565806

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

565807: createGithubIssue
565807: addGithubLabels
565807: addGithubMilestone
565807: postGithubComments
565807: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 565807

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

565808: createGithubIssue
565808: addGithubLabels
565808: addGithubMilestone
565808: postGithubComments
565808: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 565808

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

565829: createGithubIssue
565829: addGithubLabels
565829: addGithubMilestone
565829: postGithubComments
565829: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 565829

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

565837: createGithubIssue
565837: addGithubLabels
565837: addGithubMilestone
565837: postGithubComments
565837: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 565837

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

565878: createGithubIssue
565878: addGithubLabels
565878: addGithubMilestone
565878: postGithubComments
565878: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 565878

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

565894: createGithubIssue
565894: addGithubLabels
565894: addGithubMilestone
565894: postGithubComments
565894: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 565894

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

All issues are transferred
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withCredentials
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // container
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Declarative: Post Actions)
[Pipeline] archiveArtifacts
Archiving artifacts
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // podTemplate
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Finished: SUCCESS