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Console Output

Started by user Philippe DUL
Running as Philippe DUL
Running in Durability level: PERFORMANCE_OPTIMIZED
[Pipeline] Start of Pipeline
[Pipeline] podTemplate
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] node
Still waiting to schedule task
All nodes of label ‘capella-agent-pod-um2’ are offline
Created Pod: capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-2j0w1-l3v7c
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-2j0w1-l3v7c][Scheduled] Successfully assigned capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-2j0w1-l3v7c to okdnode-9
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-2j0w1-l3v7c][AddedInterface] Add eth0 []
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-2j0w1-l3v7c][Pulling] Pulling image "node:12.16.1"
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-2j0w1-l3v7c][Pulled] Successfully pulled image "node:12.16.1" in 14.494199539s
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-2j0w1-l3v7c][Created] Created container node
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-2j0w1-l3v7c][Started] Started container node
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-2j0w1-l3v7c][Pulling] Pulling image ""
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-2j0w1-l3v7c][Pulled] Successfully pulled image "" in 1.823868693s
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-2j0w1-l3v7c][Created] Created container jnlp
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-2j0w1-l3v7c][Started] Started container jnlp
Agent capella-agent-pod-um2-2j0w1-l3v7c is provisioned from template capella-agent-pod-um2-2j0w1
apiVersion: "v1"
kind: "Pod"
    buildUrl: "http://jenkins-ui.capella.svc.cluster.local/capella/job/capella-issues/127/"
    runUrl: "job/capella-issues/127/"
    jenkins: "slave"
    jenkins/label: "capella-agent-pod-um2"
  name: "capella-agent-pod-um2-2j0w1-l3v7c"
  - image: "node:12.16.1"
    name: "node"
    tty: true
    - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent"
      name: "workspace-volume"
      readOnly: false
  - env:
    - name: "JENKINS_SECRET"
      value: "********"
    - name: "JENKINS_TUNNEL"
      value: "jenkins-discovery.capella.svc.cluster.local:50000"
    - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_NAME"
      value: "capella-agent-pod-um2-2j0w1-l3v7c"
    - name: "JENKINS_NAME"
      value: "capella-agent-pod-um2-2j0w1-l3v7c"
      value: "/home/jenkins/agent"
    - name: "JENKINS_URL"
      value: "http://jenkins-ui.capella.svc.cluster.local/capella/"
    image: ""
    name: "jnlp"
        cpu: "100m"
        memory: "256Mi"
    - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent"
      name: "workspace-volume"
      readOnly: false
  nodeSelector: "linux"
  restartPolicy: "Never"
  securityContext: {}
  - emptyDir:
      medium: ""
    name: "workspace-volume"

Running on capella-agent-pod-um2-2j0w1-l3v7c in /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/capella-issues
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Generate Documentation)
[Pipeline] withEnv
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] container
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
+ npm version
  npm: '6.13.4',
  ares: '1.15.0',
  brotli: '1.0.7',
  cldr: '35.1',
  http_parser: '2.9.3',
  icu: '64.2',
  llhttp: '2.0.4',
  modules: '72',
  napi: '5',
  nghttp2: '1.40.0',
  node: '12.16.1',
  openssl: '1.1.1d',
  tz: '2019c',
  unicode: '12.1',
  uv: '1.34.0',
  v8: '',
  zlib: '1.2.11'
[Pipeline] sh
+ git clone -b master bugs
Cloning into 'bugs'...
[Pipeline] sh
+ git clone -b master import
Cloning into 'import'...
[Pipeline] sh
+ mv bugs/bugs-modeling.json bugs/bugs-polarsys.json import/
[Pipeline] withCredentials
Masking supported pattern matches of $TOKEN
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
+ cd import
+ echo 
+ echo {
+ echo "user":"pdulth",
+ echo "password":"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",
+ echo "userCommiter":"pdulth",
+ echo "passwordCommiter":"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",
+ echo "repository":"pdulth/amgi2",
+ echo "bugsFile":"bugs-modeling.json",
+ echo "count":400000,
+ echo "includedProducts": [ "Amalgam" ],
+ echo "includedComponents": [ "examples", "Releng", "UI", "Web" ]
+ echo }
+ node index
All components
[ 'Examples', 'Releng', 'UI', 'Web' ]
Count of issues to import :
Keeped products
[ 'Amalgam' ]
Keeped components
[ 'Releng', 'UI', 'Web' ]
  '1.0',    '1.0 M2',
  '1.0 M4', '1.0 M5',
  '1.0 M6', '1.10.0',
  '1.11.0', '1.12.0',
  '1.12.1', '1.8.0',
Next bugzilla id is :
Expected imported issues from config :
Next bugzilla to import are :
  413097, 417701, 418749, 422744, 427655, 438821, 438868,
  438879, 440957, 441721, 445358, 449584, 453057, 460867,
  461127, 461384, 466465, 468578, 468660, 476526, 476663,
  476809, 476811, 476884, 477041, 478139, 479038, 479118,
  479330, 479747, 483376, 483822, 483992, 483994, 483997,
  484054, 484232, 484383, 484680, 485634, 485651, 485652,
  485654, 485662, 486038, 486039, 486811, 486814, 487210,
  487226, 487319, 487942, 487984, 487986, 489629, 489647,
  491084, 499532, 499556, 499557, 499598, 499618, 499969,
  501079, 501355, 501729, 504049, 508196, 510762, 512811,
  515898, 517642, 518790, 522623, 522724, 525270, 525992,
  526127, 530716, 531477, 531789, 535175, 535932, 539150,
  539178, 539949, 542442, 542991, 548847, 548897, 549609,
  549610, 551512, 559142, 566440, 572437
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 417701
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 418749
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 422744
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 438879
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 441721
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 445358
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 449584
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 460867
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 461127
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 461384
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 466465
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 468578
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 468660
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 476526
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 476663
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 476809
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 476811
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 477041
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 479038
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 479118
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 479330
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 483994
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 483997
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 484054
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 484680
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 485651
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 485652
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 486038
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 487942
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 499598
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 515898
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 518790
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 535175
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 542991
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 549609
Milestones existing:
  '1.0',    '1.0 M2',
  '1.0 M4', '1.0 M5',
  '1.0 M6', '1.10.0',
  '1.11.0', '1.12.0',
  '1.12.1', '1.8.0',
413097: createGithubIssue
417701: createGithubIssue
418749: createGithubIssue
422744: createGithubIssue
427655: createGithubIssue
438821: createGithubIssue
438868: createGithubIssue
438879: createGithubIssue
440957: createGithubIssue
441721: createGithubIssue
445358: createGithubIssue
449584: createGithubIssue
453057: createGithubIssue
460867: createGithubIssue
461127: createGithubIssue
461384: createGithubIssue
466465: createGithubIssue
468578: createGithubIssue
468660: createGithubIssue
476526: createGithubIssue
476663: createGithubIssue
476809: createGithubIssue
476811: createGithubIssue
476884: createGithubIssue
477041: createGithubIssue
478139: createGithubIssue
479038: createGithubIssue
479118: createGithubIssue
479330: createGithubIssue
479747: createGithubIssue
483376: createGithubIssue
483822: createGithubIssue
483992: createGithubIssue
483994: createGithubIssue
483997: createGithubIssue
484054: createGithubIssue
484232: createGithubIssue
484383: createGithubIssue
484680: createGithubIssue
485634: createGithubIssue
485651: createGithubIssue
485652: createGithubIssue
485654: createGithubIssue
485662: createGithubIssue
486038: createGithubIssue
486039: createGithubIssue
486811: createGithubIssue
486814: createGithubIssue
487210: createGithubIssue
487226: createGithubIssue
487319: createGithubIssue
487942: createGithubIssue
487984: createGithubIssue
487986: createGithubIssue
489629: createGithubIssue
489647: createGithubIssue
491084: createGithubIssue
499532: createGithubIssue
499556: createGithubIssue
499557: createGithubIssue
499598: createGithubIssue
499618: createGithubIssue
499969: createGithubIssue
501079: createGithubIssue
501355: createGithubIssue
501729: createGithubIssue
504049: createGithubIssue
508196: createGithubIssue
510762: createGithubIssue
512811: createGithubIssue
515898: createGithubIssue
517642: createGithubIssue
518790: createGithubIssue
522623: createGithubIssue
522724: createGithubIssue
525270: createGithubIssue
525992: createGithubIssue
526127: createGithubIssue
530716: createGithubIssue
531477: createGithubIssue
531789: createGithubIssue
535175: createGithubIssue
535932: createGithubIssue
539150: createGithubIssue
539178: createGithubIssue
539949: createGithubIssue
542442: createGithubIssue
542991: createGithubIssue
548847: createGithubIssue
548897: createGithubIssue
549609: createGithubIssue
549610: createGithubIssue
551512: createGithubIssue
559142: createGithubIssue
566440: createGithubIssue
572437: createGithubIssue
All issues are transferred
484680: addGithubLabels
549609: addGithubLabels
440957: addGithubLabels
510762: addGithubLabels
445358: addGithubLabels
479330: addGithubLabels
486038: addGithubLabels
485652: addGithubLabels
461127: addGithubLabels
483822: addGithubLabels
438879: addGithubLabels
499532: addGithubLabels
522623: addGithubLabels
487942: addGithubLabels
551512: addGithubLabels
549610: addGithubLabels
518790: addGithubLabels
484054: addGithubLabels
483997: addGithubLabels
466465: addGithubLabels
461384: addGithubLabels
559142: addGithubLabels
479747: addGithubLabels
501729: addGithubLabels
548847: addGithubLabels
531477: addGithubLabels
539178: addGithubLabels
539949: addGithubLabels
535175: addGithubLabels
485634: addGithubLabels
468660: addGithubLabels
418749: addGithubLabels
485651: addGithubLabels
422744: addGithubLabels
468578: addGithubLabels
487986: addGithubLabels
491084: addGithubLabels
499598: addGithubLabels
489629: addGithubLabels
572437: addGithubLabels
530716: addGithubLabels
487319: addGithubLabels
499618: addGithubLabels
508196: addGithubLabels
486811: addGithubLabels
539150: addGithubLabels
486039: addGithubLabels
460867: addGithubLabels
515898: addGithubLabels
483992: addGithubLabels
476809: addGithubLabels
499557: addGithubLabels
525992: addGithubLabels
542991: addGithubLabels
478139: addGithubLabels
485654: addGithubLabels
438868: addGithubLabels
485662: addGithubLabels
487226: addGithubLabels
501355: addGithubLabels
477041: addGithubLabels
512811: addGithubLabels
476884: addGithubLabels
501079: addGithubLabels
489647: addGithubLabels
548897: addGithubLabels
499556: addGithubLabels
427655: addGithubLabels
487210: addGithubLabels
479038: addGithubLabels
484383: addGithubLabels
542442: addGithubLabels
535932: addGithubLabels
413097: addGithubLabels
486814: addGithubLabels
522724: addGithubLabels
487984: addGithubLabels
499969: addGithubLabels
417701: addGithubLabels
504049: addGithubLabels
566440: addGithubLabels
525270: addGithubLabels
517642: addGithubLabels
526127: addGithubLabels
483994: addGithubLabels
485652: addGithubMilestone
531789: addGithubLabels
441721: addGithubLabels
483376: addGithubLabels
453057: addGithubLabels
476811: addGithubLabels
476526: addGithubLabels
438821: addGithubLabels
484680: addGithubMilestone
445358: addGithubMilestone
486038: addGithubMilestone
438879: addGithubMilestone
484232: addGithubLabels
479330: addGithubMilestone
549609: addGithubMilestone
548847: addGithubMilestone
522623: addGithubMilestone
491084: addGithubMilestone
484054: addGithubMilestone
479118: addGithubLabels
418749: addGithubMilestone
485651: addGithubMilestone
499618: addGithubMilestone
440957: addGithubMilestone
510762: addGithubMilestone
515898: addGithubMilestone
487226: addGithubMilestone
449584: addGithubLabels
535175: addGithubMilestone
461384: addGithubMilestone
466465: addGithubMilestone
499532: addGithubMilestone
487210: addGithubMilestone
539150: addGithubMilestone
483992: addGithubMilestone
485634: addGithubMilestone
487319: addGithubMilestone
551512: addGithubMilestone
501729: addGithubMilestone
499598: addGithubMilestone
518790: addGithubMilestone
476884: addGithubMilestone
476663: addGithubLabels
483822: addGithubMilestone
483997: addGithubMilestone
468660: addGithubMilestone
559142: addGithubMilestone
508196: addGithubMilestone
501355: addGithubMilestone
487942: addGithubMilestone
461127: addGithubMilestone
486039: addGithubMilestone
548897: addGithubMilestone
542442: addGithubMilestone
476809: addGithubMilestone
531477: addGithubMilestone
479747: addGithubMilestone
422744: addGithubMilestone
539949: addGithubMilestone
549610: addGithubMilestone
572437: addGithubMilestone
501079: addGithubMilestone
512811: addGithubMilestone
526127: addGithubMilestone
485662: addGithubMilestone
438879: postGithubComments
539178: addGithubMilestone
499556: addGithubMilestone
499557: addGithubMilestone
478139: addGithubMilestone
487986: addGithubMilestone
445358: postGithubComments
525992: addGithubMilestone
530716: addGithubMilestone
485652: postGithubComments
535932: addGithubMilestone
566440: addGithubMilestone
486038: postGithubComments
479038: addGithubMilestone
489629: addGithubMilestone
438868: addGithubMilestone
460867: addGithubMilestone
468578: addGithubMilestone
477041: addGithubMilestone
486811: addGithubMilestone
487984: addGithubMilestone
489647: addGithubMilestone
522724: addGithubMilestone
499969: addGithubMilestone
486814: addGithubMilestone
479330: postGithubComments
548847: postGithubComments
542991: addGithubMilestone
485654: addGithubMilestone
484680: postGithubComments
504049: addGithubMilestone
485651: postGithubComments
491084: postGithubComments
413097: addGithubMilestone
525270: addGithubMilestone
461384: postGithubComments
515898: postGithubComments
453057: addGithubMilestone
484383: addGithubMilestone
438821: addGithubMilestone
441721: addGithubMilestone
487319: postGithubComments
417701: addGithubMilestone
418749: postGithubComments
476811: addGithubMilestone
499618: postGithubComments
485634: postGithubComments
542442: postGithubComments
427655: addGithubMilestone
476526: addGithubMilestone
440957: postGithubComments
549609: postGithubComments
483994: addGithubMilestone
517642: addGithubMilestone
422744: postGithubComments
483376: addGithubMilestone
486039: postGithubComments
499532: postGithubComments
522623: postGithubComments
518790: postGithubComments
559142: postGithubComments
499556: postGithubComments
487226: postGithubComments
468660: postGithubComments
501355: postGithubComments
512811: postGithubComments
487986: postGithubComments
476884: postGithubComments
508196: postGithubComments
483992: postGithubComments
449584: addGithubMilestone
484054: postGithubComments
476663: addGithubMilestone
461127: postGithubComments
551512: postGithubComments
499557: postGithubComments
539150: postGithubComments
531789: addGithubMilestone
499598: postGithubComments
487210: postGithubComments
478139: postGithubComments
501079: postGithubComments
535932: postGithubComments
535175: postGithubComments
485662: postGithubComments
484232: addGithubMilestone
525992: postGithubComments
485652: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
468578: postGithubComments
522724: postGithubComments
476809: postGithubComments
438879: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
466465: postGithubComments
479747: postGithubComments
486038: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
526127: postGithubComments
479118: addGithubMilestone
510762: postGithubComments
572437: postGithubComments
close issue 485652

548847: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 548847

483997: postGithubComments
438821: postGithubComments
close issue 438879

548897: postGithubComments
542991: postGithubComments

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

487942: postGithubComments
close issue 486038

501729: postGithubComments
483822: postGithubComments

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

539178: postGithubComments
487984: postGithubComments
531477: postGithubComments
499969: postGithubComments
530716: postGithubComments
477041: postGithubComments
417701: postGithubComments
479330: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
489647: postGithubComments

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

489629: postGithubComments
525270: postGithubComments
549610: postGithubComments

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

438868: postGithubComments
515898: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
566440: postGithubComments
close issue 479330

491084: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 491084

445358: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
485654: postGithubComments
539949: postGithubComments
479038: postGithubComments
486039: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 486039

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

486811: postGithubComments
484383: postGithubComments
485651: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
485634: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 485634

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

486814: postGithubComments
close issue 515898

504049: postGithubComments

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

460867: postGithubComments
close issue 445358

487319: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 487319

483992: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 483992

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

484680: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
close issue 485651

427655: postGithubComments
413097: postGithubComments

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

440957: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 440957

542442: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 542442

501355: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 501355

close issue 484680

441721: postGithubComments

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

499556: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 499556

499618: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 499618

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

549609: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

531789: postGithubComments
449584: postGithubComments

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

418749: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
453057: postGithubComments
522623: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 522623

484232: postGithubComments
close issue 549609

476526: postGithubComments
499532: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 499532

461127: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
518790: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

478139: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

461384: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
508196: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

499598: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
close issue 418749

483376: postGithubComments
476811: postGithubComments
close issue 518790

522724: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 522724

501079: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 501079

525992: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 525992

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

close issue 461127

close issue 478139

483994: postGithubComments
close issue 461384

512811: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

close issue 499598

close issue 508196

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

466465: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

501729: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

close issue 512811

526127: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 526127

487986: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 487986

468660: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
535175: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

530716: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 530716

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

517642: postGithubComments
close issue 466465

422744: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

559142: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
close issue 501729

510762: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
476663: postGithubComments
close issue 535175

close issue 468660

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

487226: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 487226

484054: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

539949: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

close issue 559142

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

476809: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
close issue 422744

484383: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
566440: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
539150: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
close issue 510762

476884: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
548897: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
551512: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
485654: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 485654

close issue 484054

483997: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
535932: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 535932

close issue 539949

499557: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 499557

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

close issue 476809

479038: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

close issue 566440

438821: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 438821

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

close issue 539150

485662: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 485662

close issue 476884

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

close issue 548897

539178: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 539178

479747: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

close issue 551512

close issue 484383

468578: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

close issue 483997

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

483822: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 483822

477041: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

487942: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

487210: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 487210

487984: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 487984

close issue 479038

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

572437: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
479118: postGithubComments
close issue 479747

525270: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 525270

close issue 468578

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

489629: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 489629

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

504049: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 504049

close issue 477041

531477: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 531477

close issue 487942

499969: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 499969

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

489647: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 489647

close issue 572437

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

441721: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

417701: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

486814: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 486814

542991: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

549610: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
413097: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 413097

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

438868: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 438868

close issue 542991

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

427655: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 427655

486811: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
kept opened 486811

close issue 549610

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

close issue 441721

531789: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 531789

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

close issue 417701

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

517642: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 517642

460867: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: undefined
449584: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

453057: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 453057

close issue 460867

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

484232: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 484232

476526: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

close issue 449584

476811: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
483994: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
476663: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
483376: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 476526

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

close issue 476811

close issue 483994

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

close issue 476663

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

close issue 483376

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

479118: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 479118

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withCredentials
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // container
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Declarative: Post Actions)
[Pipeline] archiveArtifacts
Archiving artifacts
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // podTemplate
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Finished: SUCCESS