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Console Output

Started by user Philippe DUL
Running as Philippe DUL
Running in Durability level: PERFORMANCE_OPTIMIZED
[Pipeline] Start of Pipeline
[Pipeline] podTemplate
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] node
Created Pod: capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-9ddzn-6h3qn
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-9ddzn-6h3qn][Scheduled] Successfully assigned capella-agent-pod-um2-9ddzn-6h3qn to
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-9ddzn-6h3qn][SuccessfulMountVolume] MountVolume.SetUp succeeded for volume "workspace-volume" 
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-9ddzn-6h3qn][SuccessfulMountVolume] MountVolume.SetUp succeeded for volume "default-token-6q2jx" 
Still waiting to schedule task
‘capella-agent-pod-um2-9ddzn-6h3qn’ is offline
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-9ddzn-6h3qn][Pulled] Container image "node:12.16.1" already present on machine
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-9ddzn-6h3qn][Created] Created container
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-9ddzn-6h3qn][Started] Started container
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-9ddzn-6h3qn][Pulled] Container image "" already present on machine
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-9ddzn-6h3qn][Created] Created container
[Normal][capella/capella-agent-pod-um2-9ddzn-6h3qn][Started] Started container
Agent capella-agent-pod-um2-9ddzn-6h3qn is provisioned from template capella-agent-pod-um2-9ddzn
apiVersion: "v1"
kind: "Pod"
    buildUrl: "http://jenkins-ui.capella.svc.cluster.local/capella/job/capella-issues/100/"
    runUrl: "job/capella-issues/100/"
    jenkins: "slave"
    jenkins/label: "capella-agent-pod-um2"
  name: "capella-agent-pod-um2-9ddzn-6h3qn"
  - image: "node:12.16.1"
    name: "node"
    tty: true
    - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent"
      name: "workspace-volume"
      readOnly: false
  - env:
    - name: "JENKINS_SECRET"
      value: "********"
    - name: "JENKINS_TUNNEL"
      value: "jenkins-discovery.capella.svc.cluster.local:50000"
    - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_NAME"
      value: "capella-agent-pod-um2-9ddzn-6h3qn"
    - name: "JENKINS_NAME"
      value: "capella-agent-pod-um2-9ddzn-6h3qn"
      value: "/home/jenkins/agent"
    - name: "JENKINS_URL"
      value: "http://jenkins-ui.capella.svc.cluster.local/capella/"
    image: ""
    name: "jnlp"
        cpu: "100m"
        memory: "256Mi"
    - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent"
      name: "workspace-volume"
      readOnly: false
  nodeSelector: "linux"
  restartPolicy: "Never"
  securityContext: {}
  - emptyDir:
      medium: ""
    name: "workspace-volume"

Running on capella-agent-pod-um2-9ddzn-6h3qn in /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/capella-issues
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Generate Documentation)
[Pipeline] withEnv
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] container
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
+ npm version
  npm: '6.13.4',
  ares: '1.15.0',
  brotli: '1.0.7',
  cldr: '35.1',
  http_parser: '2.9.3',
  icu: '64.2',
  llhttp: '2.0.4',
  modules: '72',
  napi: '5',
  nghttp2: '1.40.0',
  node: '12.16.1',
  openssl: '1.1.1d',
  tz: '2019c',
  unicode: '12.1',
  uv: '1.34.0',
  v8: '',
  zlib: '1.2.11'
[Pipeline] sh
+ git clone -b master bugs
Cloning into 'bugs'...
[Pipeline] sh
+ git clone -b master import
Cloning into 'import'...
[Pipeline] sh
+ mv bugs/bugs-polarsys.json import/
[Pipeline] withCredentials
Masking supported pattern matches of $TOKEN
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
+ cd import
+ echo 
+ echo {
+ echo "user":"eclipse-capella-bot",
+ echo "password":"****",
+ echo "userCommiter":"eclipse-capella-bot",
+ echo "passwordCommiter":"****",
+ echo "repository":"eclipse/capella",
+ echo "bugsFile":"bugs-polarsys.json",
+ echo "count":100,
+ echo "includedProducts": [ "Capella" ],
+ echo "includedComponents": [ "Capella Gitadapter", "Core", "Detachment", "Diagram", "Diff-Merge", "Documentation", "Forum", "General", "Library", "ModelValidation", "Patterns", "Properties", "Rec-Rpl", "Releng", "Test framework", "Transition", "UI", "Website" ]
+ echo }
+ node index
All components
  'Capella Gitadapter', 'Capella Studio',
  'Core',               'Cybersecurity',
  'Detachment',         'Diagram',
  'Diff-Merge',         'Documentation',
  'Filtering',          'Forum',
  'GenDoc HTML',        'General',
  'Groovy',             'Library',
  'Mass VP',            'ModelValidation',
  'Modes/States VP',    'Patterns',
  'Perfo VP',           'Price VP',
  'Properties',         'Rec-Rpl',
  'Releng',             'RequirementsVP',
  'System2Subsystem',   'Test framework',
  'Textual editor',     'Transition',
  'UI',                 'Website',
  'XML Pivot'
Count of issues to import :
Keeped products
[ 'Capella' ]
Keeped components
  'Capella Gitadapter', 'Core',
  'Detachment',         'Diagram',
  'Diff-Merge',         'Documentation',
  'Forum',              'General',
  'Library',            'ModelValidation',
  'Patterns',           'Properties',
  'Rec-Rpl',            'Releng',
  'Test framework',     'Transition',
  'UI',                 'Website'
  '0.8.0', '0.8.1', '0.8.2', '0.8.3',
  '0.8.4', '0.8.5', '0.8.6', '0.8.7',
  '1.0.0', '1.0.1', '1.0.2', '1.0.3',
  '1.0.4', '1.0.5', '1.1.0', '1.1.1',
  '1.1.2', '1.1.3', '1.1.4', '1.2.0',
  '1.2.1', '1.2.2', '1.2.3', '1.3.0',
  '1.3.1', '1.3.2', '1.3.3', '1.4.0',
  '1.4.1', '1.4.2', '5.0.0', '5.1.0'
Next bugzilla id is :
Expected imported issues from config :
Next bugzilla to import are :
  554947, 554948, 554949, 554950, 554951, 554952, 554953,
  554954, 554955, 554956, 554957, 554958, 554959, 554960,
  554961, 554962, 554963, 554964, 554966, 554967, 554968,
  554969, 554970, 554971, 554972, 554973, 554974, 554975,
  554976, 554977, 554978, 554979, 554980, 554981, 554982,
  554983, 554985, 554986, 554987, 554988, 554989, 554990,
  554991, 554992, 554993, 554994, 554995, 554996, 554997,
  554998, 554999, 555001, 555002, 555007, 555011, 555014,
  555016, 555021, 555022, 555028, 555029, 555030, 555031,
  555032, 555033, 555034, 555035, 555036, 555037, 555038,
  555039, 555040, 555041, 555042, 555043, 555044, 555045,
  555046, 555047, 555048, 555049, 555050, 555051, 555052,
  555053, 555054, 555055, 555056, 555057, 555058, 555059,
  555060, 555061, 555077, 555078, 555079, 555080, 555081,
  555082, 555083
A closed issue with no target version (may be an issue or not): 554956
Milestones existing:
  '1.0.5', '1.2.3', '5.0.0', '5.1.0',
  '0.8.0', '0.8.1', '0.8.2', '0.8.3',
  '1.0.0', '0.8.4', '1.0.1', '0.8.5',
  '0.8.6', '1.0.2', '1.0.3', '1.1.0',
  '0.8.7', '1.0.4', '1.1.1', '1.1.2',
  '1.1.3', '1.2.0', '1.1.4', '1.2.1',
  '1.3.0', '1.2.2', '1.3.1', '1.4.0',
  '1.3.2', '1.4.1', '1.3.3', '1.4.2'
554947: createGithubIssue
554947: addGithubLabels
554947: addGithubMilestone
554947: postGithubComments
554947: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554947

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554948: createGithubIssue
554948: addGithubLabels
554948: addGithubMilestone
554948: postGithubComments
554948: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554948

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554949: createGithubIssue
554949: addGithubLabels
554949: addGithubMilestone
554949: postGithubComments
554949: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554949

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554950: createGithubIssue
554950: addGithubLabels
554950: addGithubMilestone
554950: postGithubComments
554950: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554950

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554951: createGithubIssue
554951: addGithubLabels
554951: addGithubMilestone
554951: postGithubComments
554951: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554951

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554952: createGithubIssue
554952: addGithubLabels
554952: addGithubMilestone
554952: postGithubComments
554952: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 554952

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554953: createGithubIssue
554953: addGithubLabels
554953: addGithubMilestone
554953: postGithubComments
554953: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554953

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554954: createGithubIssue
554954: addGithubLabels
554954: addGithubMilestone
554954: postGithubComments
554954: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554954

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554955: createGithubIssue
554955: addGithubLabels
554955: addGithubMilestone
554955: postGithubComments
554955: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554955

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554956: createGithubIssue
554956: addGithubLabels
554956: addGithubMilestone
554956: postGithubComments
554956: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554956

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554957: createGithubIssue
554957: addGithubLabels
554957: addGithubMilestone
554957: postGithubComments
554957: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554957

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554958: createGithubIssue
554958: addGithubLabels
554958: addGithubMilestone
554958: postGithubComments
554958: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554958

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554959: createGithubIssue
554959: addGithubLabels
554959: addGithubMilestone
554959: postGithubComments
554959: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554959

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554960: createGithubIssue
554960: addGithubLabels
554960: addGithubMilestone
554960: postGithubComments
554960: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 554960

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554961: createGithubIssue
554961: addGithubLabels
554961: addGithubMilestone
554961: postGithubComments
554961: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554961

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554962: createGithubIssue
554962: addGithubLabels
554962: addGithubMilestone
554962: postGithubComments
554962: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554962

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554963: createGithubIssue
554963: addGithubLabels
554963: addGithubMilestone
554963: postGithubComments
554963: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554963

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554964: createGithubIssue
554964: addGithubLabels
554964: addGithubMilestone
554964: postGithubComments
554964: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554964

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554966: createGithubIssue
554966: addGithubLabels
554966: addGithubMilestone
554966: postGithubComments
554966: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554966

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554967: createGithubIssue
554967: addGithubLabels
554967: addGithubMilestone
554967: postGithubComments
554967: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554967

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554968: createGithubIssue
554968: addGithubLabels
554968: addGithubMilestone
554968: postGithubComments
554968: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554968

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554969: createGithubIssue
554969: addGithubLabels
554969: addGithubMilestone
554969: postGithubComments
554969: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554969

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554970: createGithubIssue
554970: addGithubLabels
554970: addGithubMilestone
554970: postGithubComments
554970: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554970

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554971: createGithubIssue
554971: addGithubLabels
554971: addGithubMilestone
554971: postGithubComments
554971: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 554971

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554972: createGithubIssue
554972: addGithubLabels
554972: addGithubMilestone
554972: postGithubComments
554972: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554972

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554973: createGithubIssue
554973: addGithubLabels
554973: addGithubMilestone
554973: postGithubComments
554973: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554973

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554974: createGithubIssue
554974: addGithubLabels
554974: addGithubMilestone
554974: postGithubComments
554974: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554974

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554975: createGithubIssue
554975: addGithubLabels
554975: addGithubMilestone
554975: postGithubComments
554975: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554975

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554976: createGithubIssue
554976: addGithubLabels
554976: addGithubMilestone
554976: postGithubComments
554976: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 554976

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554977: createGithubIssue
554977: addGithubLabels
554977: addGithubMilestone
554977: postGithubComments
554977: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554977

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554978: createGithubIssue
554978: addGithubLabels
554978: addGithubMilestone
554978: postGithubComments
554978: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554978

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554979: createGithubIssue
554979: addGithubLabels
554979: addGithubMilestone
554979: postGithubComments
554979: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554979

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554980: createGithubIssue
554980: addGithubLabels
554980: addGithubMilestone
554980: postGithubComments
554980: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554980

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554981: createGithubIssue
554981: addGithubLabels
554981: addGithubMilestone
554981: postGithubComments
554981: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554981

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554982: createGithubIssue
554982: addGithubLabels
554982: addGithubMilestone
554982: postGithubComments
554982: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554982

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554983: createGithubIssue
554983: addGithubLabels
554983: addGithubMilestone
554983: postGithubComments
554983: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554983

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554985: createGithubIssue
554985: addGithubLabels
554985: addGithubMilestone
554985: postGithubComments
554985: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554985

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554986: createGithubIssue
554986: addGithubLabels
554986: addGithubMilestone
554986: postGithubComments
554986: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554986

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554987: createGithubIssue
554987: addGithubLabels
554987: addGithubMilestone
554987: postGithubComments
554987: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554987

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554988: createGithubIssue
554988: addGithubLabels
554988: addGithubMilestone
554988: postGithubComments
554988: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554988

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554989: createGithubIssue
554989: addGithubLabels
554989: addGithubMilestone
554989: postGithubComments
554989: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554989

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554990: createGithubIssue
554990: addGithubLabels
554990: addGithubMilestone
554990: postGithubComments
554990: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554990

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554991: createGithubIssue
554991: addGithubLabels
554991: addGithubMilestone
554991: postGithubComments
554991: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554991

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554992: createGithubIssue
554992: addGithubLabels
554992: addGithubMilestone
554992: postGithubComments
554992: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 554992

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554993: createGithubIssue
554993: addGithubLabels
554993: addGithubMilestone
554993: postGithubComments
554993: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554993

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554994: createGithubIssue
554994: addGithubLabels
554994: addGithubMilestone
554994: postGithubComments
554994: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554994

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554995: createGithubIssue
554995: addGithubLabels
554995: addGithubMilestone
554995: postGithubComments
554995: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 554995

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554996: createGithubIssue
554996: addGithubLabels
554996: addGithubMilestone
554996: postGithubComments
554996: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554996

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554997: createGithubIssue
554997: addGithubLabels
554997: addGithubMilestone
554997: postGithubComments
554997: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 554997

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554998: createGithubIssue
554998: addGithubLabels
554998: addGithubMilestone
554998: postGithubComments
554998: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554998

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

554999: createGithubIssue
554999: addGithubLabels
554999: addGithubMilestone
554999: postGithubComments
554999: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 554999

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555001: createGithubIssue
555001: addGithubLabels
555001: addGithubMilestone
555001: postGithubComments
555001: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555001

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555002: createGithubIssue
555002: addGithubLabels
555002: addGithubMilestone
555002: postGithubComments
555002: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555002

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555007: createGithubIssue
555007: addGithubLabels
555007: addGithubMilestone
555007: postGithubComments
555007: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555007

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555011: createGithubIssue
555011: addGithubLabels
555011: addGithubMilestone
555011: postGithubComments
555011: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555011

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555014: createGithubIssue
555014: addGithubLabels
555014: addGithubMilestone
555014: postGithubComments
555014: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555014

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555016: createGithubIssue
555016: addGithubLabels
555016: addGithubMilestone
555016: postGithubComments
555016: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555016

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555021: createGithubIssue
555021: addGithubLabels
555021: addGithubMilestone
555021: postGithubComments
555021: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555021

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555022: createGithubIssue
555022: addGithubLabels
555022: addGithubMilestone
555022: postGithubComments
555022: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555022

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555028: createGithubIssue
555028: addGithubLabels
555028: addGithubMilestone
555028: postGithubComments
555028: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555028

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555029: createGithubIssue
555029: addGithubLabels
555029: addGithubMilestone
555029: postGithubComments
555029: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555029

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555030: createGithubIssue
555030: addGithubLabels
555030: addGithubMilestone
555030: postGithubComments
555030: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555030

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555031: createGithubIssue
555031: addGithubLabels
555031: addGithubMilestone
555031: postGithubComments
555031: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555031

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555032: createGithubIssue
555032: addGithubLabels
555032: addGithubMilestone
555032: postGithubComments
555032: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555032

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555033: createGithubIssue
555033: addGithubLabels
555033: addGithubMilestone
555033: postGithubComments
555033: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555033

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555034: createGithubIssue
555034: addGithubLabels
555034: addGithubMilestone
555034: postGithubComments
555034: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555034

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555035: createGithubIssue
555035: addGithubLabels
555035: addGithubMilestone
555035: postGithubComments
555035: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555035

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555036: createGithubIssue
555036: addGithubLabels
555036: addGithubMilestone
555036: postGithubComments
555036: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555036

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555037: createGithubIssue
555037: addGithubLabels
555037: addGithubMilestone
555037: postGithubComments
555037: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555037

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555038: createGithubIssue
555038: addGithubLabels
555038: addGithubMilestone
555038: postGithubComments
555038: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555038

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555039: createGithubIssue
555039: addGithubLabels
555039: addGithubMilestone
555039: postGithubComments
555039: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555039

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555040: createGithubIssue
555040: addGithubLabels
555040: addGithubMilestone
555040: postGithubComments
555040: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555040

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555041: createGithubIssue
555041: addGithubLabels
555041: addGithubMilestone
555041: postGithubComments
555041: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555041

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555042: createGithubIssue
555042: addGithubLabels
555042: addGithubMilestone
555042: postGithubComments
555042: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555042

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555043: createGithubIssue
555043: addGithubLabels
555043: addGithubMilestone
555043: postGithubComments
555043: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555043

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555044: createGithubIssue
555044: addGithubLabels
555044: addGithubMilestone
555044: postGithubComments
555044: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555044

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555045: createGithubIssue
555045: addGithubLabels
555045: addGithubMilestone
555045: postGithubComments
555045: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555045

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555046: createGithubIssue
555046: addGithubLabels
555046: addGithubMilestone
555046: postGithubComments
555046: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555046

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555047: createGithubIssue
555047: addGithubLabels
555047: addGithubMilestone
555047: postGithubComments
555047: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555047

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555048: createGithubIssue
555048: addGithubLabels
555048: addGithubMilestone
555048: postGithubComments
555048: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555048

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555049: createGithubIssue
555049: addGithubLabels
555049: addGithubMilestone
555049: postGithubComments
555049: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555049

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555050: createGithubIssue
555050: addGithubLabels
555050: addGithubMilestone
555050: postGithubComments
555050: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555050

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555051: createGithubIssue
555051: addGithubLabels
555051: addGithubMilestone
555051: postGithubComments
555051: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555051

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555052: createGithubIssue
555052: addGithubLabels
555052: addGithubMilestone
555052: postGithubComments
555052: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555052

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555053: createGithubIssue
555053: addGithubLabels
555053: addGithubMilestone
555053: postGithubComments
555053: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555053

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555054: createGithubIssue
555054: addGithubLabels
555054: addGithubMilestone
555054: postGithubComments
555054: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555054

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555055: createGithubIssue
555055: addGithubLabels
555055: addGithubMilestone
555055: postGithubComments
555055: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555055

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555056: createGithubIssue
555056: addGithubLabels
555056: addGithubMilestone
555056: postGithubComments
555056: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555056

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555057: createGithubIssue
555057: addGithubLabels
555057: addGithubMilestone
555057: postGithubComments
555057: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555057

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555058: createGithubIssue
555058: addGithubLabels
555058: addGithubMilestone
555058: postGithubComments
555058: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555058

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555059: createGithubIssue
555059: addGithubLabels
555059: addGithubMilestone
555059: postGithubComments
555059: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555059

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555060: createGithubIssue
555060: addGithubLabels
555060: addGithubMilestone
555060: postGithubComments
555060: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555060

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555061: createGithubIssue
555061: addGithubLabels
555061: addGithubMilestone
555061: postGithubComments
555061: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
kept opened 555061

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555077: createGithubIssue
555077: addGithubLabels
555077: addGithubMilestone
555077: postGithubComments
555077: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555077

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555078: createGithubIssue
555078: addGithubLabels
555078: addGithubMilestone
555078: postGithubComments
555078: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555078

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555079: createGithubIssue
555079: addGithubLabels
555079: addGithubMilestone
555079: postGithubComments
555079: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555079

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555080: createGithubIssue
555080: addGithubLabels
555080: addGithubMilestone
555080: postGithubComments
555080: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555080

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555081: createGithubIssue
555081: addGithubLabels
555081: addGithubMilestone
555081: postGithubComments
555081: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555081

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555082: createGithubIssue
555082: addGithubLabels
555082: addGithubMilestone
555082: postGithubComments
555082: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555082

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

555083: createGithubIssue
555083: addGithubLabels
555083: addGithubMilestone
555083: postGithubComments
555083: closeIssue
  bug: '',
  issue: ''
close issue 555083

If you want to quit, its now! (Ctrl+C)

All issues are transferred
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withCredentials
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // container
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Declarative: Post Actions)
[Pipeline] archiveArtifacts
Archiving artifacts
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // podTemplate
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Finished: SUCCESS